Thursday, December 23, 2010

Getting to Know the World’s Most Important Economy

In a recent LinkedIn discussion about facts that will blow your mind, I commented to a member of our White House Group and one of our colleagues… you are dead on in that, China's communist party is afraid of its own people, as they should be! Roughly, 80% of their population was born after their communist form of government came into power. They do not, and are not in support of their form of government. I have traveled to China with and for a group of scientist I have represented since 2001. These are my personal observations and beliefs.

Over the last decade China's government has allowed for more liberal economic entrepreneurship and individual wealth. Beijing can boast of having a large concentration of millionaires. I agree that these are the cadres that most likely will flee China when the s^*t hits the fan. But they are not strongly behind the currently empowered communist government regime. In fact they much like our own corrupt elected government serve the economic interests of their funders. They too would likely morph toward or into a new styled democracy if they could balance some economic continuity. In China, for the most part the economic choices were individually hard earned not gifted.

I don't agree that China will fall apart in 2011 because economically they do have a mechanism upon which to build and sustain a democracy unlike Russia. To their credit China has invested in their greatest resource, human capital. A lesson our own government should learn. In short, the communist regime has maintained support by allowing for some prosperity within its borders. That does not mean that their huge population buys into supporting their government or that those who have benefited will give their continued support.

The word is out and they are aware, of a better way. I think the real question is what are we showing China here in the states? What are we teaching China about fundamental freedoms when our US Senators propose censorship legislation and favor corporations over our people? What are we in the real world, not in our own aggrandized perception? They see what we do not and value more what many have forgotten or never learned. China now listens less to what we say, but pays attention to what we show them! The only given in 2011 will be change!

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Blogger Carey Feazel said...

I have read so much of this and seen so much of this type of thinking. Attacking a government is to be expected and for the most part it gets little attention. I would love to band together with some one and work towards some better future if I thought they had a clear vision of what that future should be. I don't want to tear down the govenment. I want to help build it towards a better future. Yes, it bothers me the way Washington is for sale these days. It bothers me greatly. But what do we replace it with? No, it is not good enough to say a government should not be bought and sold like stock. What is the plan for this great new way of political thinking. How can you have a government that is actually governed by the people for the good of those people.

Next how would you implement these changes. Limiting campaign contributions is not going to be the answer, at best it will only be a band-aid on a gushing wound. We ll hoped that Obama was going to be this great visionary president and he has turned out to be this lost little boy. We should have seen it coming. Obama is just a token black president so we can say we had one. He has no great political skills. If this latest round of bargaining is any indication of his bargaining skills I think we have seen the last good things coming from the white house. This was to be expected though.

Bush overstepped the powers of the presidency and then abused the powers he took that were not his to take except in times of war. You can't declare war on an idea, this type of war makes all of us the enemy. Obama is paying the price of Bush over stepping his bounds.

We need to build a new America, not tear down democracy, but bring it into a new time and place and we need to hear from people that want to build something and have the insight to do so.

January 8, 2011 at 12:38 AM  

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